Bormio could be defined as a hidden gem of a place
We can't take the credit, this ancient Alpine town is founded on eco-friendly sustainability and offers unforgettable memories to all. Thanks to its strategic location in the heart of the Alps in Valtellina, Bormio combines the beauty of nature with intricate architecture, offering a wonderful contrast and colours that will take your breath away.
The historic town centre is a mix of alleys and winding streets where you can still breathe in the atmosphere of medieval Bormio: beautiful old palazzi, churches, houses. Every corner of this town emanates history and tradition. The local folklore is alive and unchanged by time. Every year local traditions are revived so that those who are passing through experience a little of that mystery that both invites curiosity and beguiles the visitor.
The taste buds are also enlivened by a local culinary tradition rich in incredible flavours. Pizzoccheri, polenta and cheese are just some of the Valtellinese dishes that you can try while getting lost wandering among the streets of the town. All simple peasant dishes that keep alive the aromas and flavours of old Bormio.